Monday, March 31, 2008

Question Answered

Well lookie here. Paula's preggers. Sweet! I was just wondering where is Robin Thicke? Apparently him and Paula have been getting their married on.
You know, I’ve always seen myself sexily married in my future. No kids in most of my dreams though. I've always wanted to be half of the sexy/cute couple that everyone likes. You know the one... that has all the fun, goes on all the trips and always look fly together. Well I’m working on my sexy half of that whole right now. But where’s my other half? I don’t know, you got me! Don’t worry, I’m looking…maybe Terrence Howard, Pharrell, Talib Kweli…hmm? If you ask me this blog is getting waaay too sad. I gotta do something about that. But what? What would you like to see on my blog? I wanna give you what you wanna see. Do something…ask me a question, argue with me, something. Maybe that’s what I should blog about. The way people communicate these days…hmmm again.

I'm getting sexier by the day but meanwhile I'm Lost Without You guy!

(Puh-leez, this sappiness has got to stop people. Comment asap on how to end the madness. Select Name/Url to create any old name and skip the url part then click publish comment or whatever. People act like they can't comment and stuff without signing up. It can and has been done! Gimme some feedback)

P.S. Oh! here's my outfit for the Jill Scott Concert which was incredible by the way (concert not the outfit).

Friday, March 28, 2008

My Love is...

I just revisited some older songs by Jill Scott in preparation for her concert Sunday. I really enjoy how she doesn't just talk about being in or falling in and out of love. She expresses how she moves through the day while being in love, while falling out of love etc. There isn't any "I can't breathe, think, sleep, and eat" crap you get from other artists. She tells you she got up and made breakfast while thinking about you, she rode to work thinking about you, she got hit on by a guy and thought about you. Yeah, she tells you how she functions when she's looking for love, when's she's found it, when she's lost it and when she's remembering it. Ah, and then she throws little details in like, how one boyfriend used to wear a certain type of cologne but it only smelled good on him, she tried putting it on other guys but it just didn't work. haha. You gotta love that! I'm getting all boheme'd out for the concert. I really don't have far to go, maybe do a little something different to the ol' fro. And I shall bring back pictures!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Group shots

You know what I dislike yall? Group pictures. Yeah, I've been the victim of them and I've victimized plenty of people in my time too. What is it that makes us squish people together in a picture frame? Is it a conservation of camera memory? Or just a power-high that people get because they have the authority to tell you to huddle next to a total stranger closer...closer? I dunno maybe its the extraordinary positions people crouch into to take group picture that is the funniest. My new theory is that the only time group pictures work is if...

1. you are family, the cheesiness is okay

2. you are a part of a group, club, class

3. you have a formation or shape

4. it is meant to be snarky

By far this is one of the best group pictures I've been apart of. Why don't we do stuff like this more often?


Recently I saw my ex with his new girlfriend. I feel very small because I want to be happy for him but I'm not. I did a test to find out what I was feeling. 1. Do I still want him? no 2. Would I talk to him again if he asked? no 3. Do I find him attractive tonight? no 4. Am I upset that he's with someone else? yes Bingo. Selfishness. Instead of thinking "since I don't want him then anyone can have him", I'm like "how could he get someone and I'm still by myself, I'm the coolest ever". I know, I know you're like well you dated him so he can't be that bad...No! This guy is one of the exes I keep hidden away. I never tell people we dated, if people hinted that we did, I deny 3 times like Peter! He was the lamest of all lames ( I won't go into details). I never told him how lame he was because I didn't think he'd see it as being lame. He has lame-blindness. It afflicts about 12.5% of young American adults every year. As all recovering Lame-os know, the first step is admitting that you have lame issues. Let's just say that it wasn't a shining moment in my past. I don't think he'll read this but if he does, oh well.

I keep thinking how small this sounds. But I really had a double take moment when I saw him with the girl. She is cute, and she seems nice (I smiled at her and she returned my smile). Maybe I should just be happy for them...Nawl man! I'm gonna have my tantrum! ARGH! (running down the hallway at work). Plus I really believe the numbers are on his side. For every man there are like 25 females in varying degrees of desperateness. He's bound to find one to suit him. I gotta shake this off, I'm not used to this feeling.

Lessons learned: Don't date lame-o's and it won't come back to bite you.

Is that the lesson I should have learned from all this? What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Common? Yes, please

So you're looking at my boo, huh? Yeah, everyone meet Common, he's my baby's father (and I haven't even decided if I'm having children yet). Girls, I hope I don't have to explain the phenomenon that is Common. You should know. But guys, I can explain it to you. His main attraction is his brain(okay, he has a nice body too). I love this man's mind, he actually thinks. He also has a very very nice voice. He doesn't speak too properly or anything but he just speaks the best way he knows how. He seems humble because he's always the first to admit his mistakes or imperfections. But he will try. That's what I need dude, effort. Don't be all talk, show me. Or... just look and sound like Common. Am I the only one with a celebrity significant other that they want to "shout out"? I know I'm not alone please share.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday Memories

The soundtrack for today is everything Kelis. There is something about her voice (no matter the content of the song) that takes me back to adolescence. I think about Judy Blume books, sleepovers, the color pink, being boy-crazy, playing MASH and surviving middle school. So today I’d like you to think back to 7th grade and remember how hard you thought your life was and compare it to today. Wow, right?! If we only knew back then what we know now.

If I could go back in time to 1994 this is what I’d tell the 12 year old me…

1.) stay interested in drawing
2.) take more pictures
3.) hug all your family members extra hard
4.) it’s not that deep, forget about that stupid boy
5.) look again/closer at the nerdy boy
6.) don’t wear those jellies again
7.) don’t get the perm!!!
8.) next year you will be sorry you ever asked to be a woman
9.) there is no cause to do that on the Bethel trip, tsk tsk
10.) tennis skirts are a bad idea no matter what everyone is doing
11.) listen to something else besides that
12.) be nicer

What advice would you have for the younger you?

Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm soooo going to this!

Wow! Are you seeing what I'm seeing? And this happens every year?
Where have I been? Oh yeah, I forgot I spent all that time not having a life, yeah.... Well not anymore, who's with me? We'll march up to Manchester, Tennessee and get some rooms and spent four glorious days there. Notice I said march because gas will probably be $4.00 by then. But we could carpool. Does anybody know anyone else who's going this year?

WANTED: A ride to Manchester Tennessee and back

WHO: Quirky, perky and fun 25 year old female

WHAT: Marvelous ride-time to be had in dependable car

WHEN: Preferably June 11th-15th

WHY: Because she needs adventure and Talib Kweli

HOW: Straight there and back (no weird stops in Mississippi or anything like that, or if so please make the deals snappy, I gotta get back to work!)

Note: I am one of the best road trippers ever! I pack light, don't take up much space (looks can be deceiving), can pee when anyone/everyone else does, and I don't complain about music (much). Email me =)

Special Edition: R.I.P. Charlie = (

My buddy of 19 days just passed away. He was young, agile, full of questions and energy. He had a heart (and body) of gold. I believe he loved me, but he was a victim of my bad motherhood. He started out his existence as a centerpiece for a table at a formal I went to. He and I locked eyes and it was destiny. I had to take him home. I promptly claimed the centerpiece loudly so that everyone at the table knew “hands off!” I nonchalantly caressed the vase with the assurance that he was coming home with me that night and with noone else. Getting him home was another matter, but I solved it. I strapped the vase in the back seat between Sebastian’s legs and set off into the sunset (or what would have been sunset had it been earlier in the day. We were headed West to Birmingham ). His bravery was remarkable for a fish his size. He was a pretty well behaved pet except that he was very noisy – he splashed a lot and popped bubbles. My co-worker, Ira, says he was choking. That doesn't make me feel any better Ira! Aw, I miss my buddy. Should I get another goldfish and try again at motherhood? Besides, if I don’t what will I do with all these fish flakes? *Sigh*

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ah, Mannie...

If this isn’t a sticky situation I don’t know what is. Apparently my friend Mannie (here pictured) got out of it alive with no irrevocable psychological damage. That we know of… This guy is used to this though and regularly gets out of jams. His tools? A cell phone and a brand new Dodge Charger (~Shiver~, the smell of that car is wonderful). He recently blew me out of the water on the open road during a short trip to Gadsden. He would fly out of my line of vision and then slow up to let me catch up enough to get side by side, then he’d speed off again. I thought he was playing or just being nice so I could follow him. I later learned that he was arguing with his passengers over music selection (What argument? Who’s car is it? Duh!) Secretly, I think he likes that kind of stuff. His pranks are legendary, I’ll let you hear some of them one day. (Boy am I gonna get it when he reads this post). He is also a member of an illustrious family of forward thinkers, people lovers, and quite simply he’s the closest thing to a brother I have ever had.

P.S. (Yes, people still do P.S.'s) I'd like to give a shout out to A.H. Parker High School! (I’m sure Mannie'd want me to mention that for him.) Way to go Mannie!!

P.P.S. My grafics are amazing, right?!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A New Start

Hello there! This project is finally getting on its feet. I've been planning to blog for a while now. And I have a few failed attempts in my past. But I think this time is it. Umm, basically I'm trying to chronicle some of the crazy stuff that happens to me and my friends. Yeah, some of it is our own faults, but that's besides the point. I've done a survey/study (whatever you want to call it) and I've noticed that all my friends are weirdo magnets. (What does this say about us, I don't know). We meet the weirdest people at work, school, home and in the ministry. Not to mention (okay, I'm mentioning it) our various congregations are full of as my friend Jaime calls them "Colorful People". You shall get a glimpse of these and other happenings through this blog. I hope you enjoy it, if not oh well-- I'm enjoying it.